“What Every Woman Coping With Infertility
Ought To Know About Acupuncture…”
“How To Increase Your Changes of Getting
Pregnant By A As Much As 60%.”

Hello, my name is Jamie Catlett . I am a practicing Acupuncture Physician in Jacksonville , treating infertility with Acupuncture and helping women increase their chances of getting pregnant by as much as 50%.
Did you know that treating Infertility with Acupuncture and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has been recorded in our ancient texts, and even on the backs of turtle shells for thousands of years? How can this age-old medicine make such a difference? In the last five years the science behind many studies reveal that:
- Acupuncture can increase blood flow to the reproductive organs, which dramatically improves a woman’s response to the hormonal therapy.
- Acupuncture has been shown to regulate hormone levels by moderating the release of beta-endorphin levels in the brain, which improves the release of gonadatrophin releasing hormone by the hypothalamus, follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland, and estrogen and progesterone levels from the ovary.
- Acupuncture reduces stress and a hyperactive sympathetic nervous system response.
- Acupuncture has been speculated to moderate cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin levels in the uterus, reducing uterine motility to improve implantation rates.
The American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s Fertility & Sterility Journal has concluded the utility of acupuncture in conjunction with assisted reproductive technology. With all this conclusive “proof” in the last five years, you would think that every reproductive clinic in the world would require their patients to receive acupuncture. Thanks to the role that acupuncture and TCM has played in helping women get pregnant, and the media coverage it has received in recent years, all of that is changing.
“The Benefits of Acupuncture and IVF”
The following video discusses the benefits of acupuncture used with IVF
“Preconception Care & Diet.”
The following video is a clip from the Today Show where Dr Dao from Santa Monica, California was interviewed on the importance of Preconception care and eating for fertility.
Thank You For Visiting Our Website
I want to thank you for visiting my website, and in return I’d like to offer you a coupon for a FREE Initial Exam ($85 value.) This coupon is good for one initial exam and limited to one coupon per person. If you, your friends, relatives or colleagues are ever in need of my services, please print out the coupon and bring it on your first visit.

Your no-cost, no-obligation initial exam includes:
- A relaxed consultation with the acupuncturist
- An individual health and injury history
- Extensive exams of pulses and the appearance of the tongue, eyes
- A discussion of findings and recommended treatments
If you have any questions send me an e-mail or call me at 904-260-2598. I’ll be happy to answer your questions and discuss your concerns.
Jamie Catlett , AP.
Board Certified and Licensed Jacksonville Acupuncturist
Jacksonville Acupuncture Clinic
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